
How to register?

  1. Click on the Register (in the User navigation tab) in the top right corner of the AviSample Net website.
  2. Enter your e-mail address, username and password.
  3. Click on Sign up button.
  4. Open the e-mail sent to your e-mail address (subject “Welcome to AviSample Network”) and click on the confirmation link.
  5. You are set and ready to submit the sample descriptions or request samples for reuse!

How to submit the sample description?

Please remember that the sample specifications have to match all samples in the submitted sample description. If any samples differ in any specification, then the sample description has to be divided according to details specific for each group of samples.

  1. If you are visiting AviSample Net for the first time, follow instructions in the “How to register?” tutorial above.
  2. Sign in (User tab in the top right corner).
  3. Go to Sample descriptions -> Add.
  4. Sampling date – You can either fill exact Sampling Date or enter the sampling period (within one year or season) using Sampling date and End date.
  5. Locality – Find your Sampling Site in the map and click in the map.
  6. Longitude and Latitude – Will be filled automatically after selecting the point in the map.
  7. Species name – You can enter either Common or Scientific Name (following eBird Taxonomy update 2019). Type in at least three letters for matching suggestions.
  8. Tissue – Choose one of the options or “other” if none of the options provided can be used. If you select “other”, describe the tissue in the following cell.
  9. Feather type - Choose at least one of the feather type sampled.
  10. Geographic Origin – Select either Known or Unknown origin of the tissue (where the tissue was formed).
  11. Method of estimation geographic origin - Choose a metod used for estimating the tissue origin (following examples provided in Table 1 here [link to the paper]). If you select “other”, specify the method.
  12. Preservation – Choose one option or “other” if none of the options provided can be used and describe the tissue in the following cell (available only if you select “other”).
  13. Number – Add number of samples matching all above-provided descriptions (if any of the samples are not matching the criteria, submit a new sample description for these samples).
  14. Status -Choose whether the sampled animals were Wild or Captive.
  15. Sex - Select at least one sex class. Multiple options are allowed.
  16. Age - Select at least one age class. Multiple options are allowed.
  17. Published - Specify the publication status of the samples – Published/Unpublished. Select “Published” also in case only part of the samples was used in a publication and provide citation or DOI of the publication.
  18. Notes - add any notes and details on the samples facilitating the assessment of sample reuse.

If you want to upload multiple sample descriptions at once, you can fill in the template and send it to vojtech.brlik@gmail.com.

How to search and request sample description?

There are two options for searching sample description stored in the AviSample database.

A. Basic search

  1. Go to Samples -> Browse
  2. Use individual blank cells in the head of columns for search. You can combine search terms in multiple columns but you can use only one term per column.

If you want to search multiple columns matching multiple criteria, use Advanced search tool.

B. Advanced search

  1. Go to Samples -> Search
  2. Click on New search (or update former searches)
  3. Name your search for further updates
  4. Create individual conditions using name of the searched field matching/not matching the values. LIKE operator enables to find the best matching information (e.g. all species of a genus)
  5. Add conditions to combine multiple search terms using Boolean operators if necessary
  6. Click on Save and search button